The Worship & Study Minyan at Harvard Hillel
The Worship & Study Minyan at Harvard Hillel welcomes everyone.
Coming Events
Join us Thursday evening, March 13 for a full Megillah Reading and an original spiel by our very own Jim Leffert! Festivities begin at 6:30 in Smith Hall
Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Benjamin Goldenhersh – March 23 – Click Here for More Information
One Minyan One Book – Martin Buber: A Life of Faith and Dissent, by Paul Mendes-Flohr – on Zoom March 23
Who we are
We are a liberal, participatory congregation with a deep commitment to Jewish pluralism, egalitarianism, and freedom of inquiry.
Shabbat services include spirited, musical davening (prayer) based on traditional liturgy; a lively, wide-ranging Torah discussion; and a convivial Kiddush. We rely on our members as well as our rabbi to lead us in prayer and to teach us Torah, and we are always seeking (and will train!) new voices to uncover new facets of our tradition. We assume no prior knowledge and encourage people to come and learn and to stay and teach.
In addition to our weekly Shabbat services, we gather for holidays and for social occasions. Likewise, we celebrate life-cycle events and comfort one another in times of sickness and mourning.
Membership at Worship and Study is open to all, whether or not you have a Harvard affiliation. Please feel free to contact Rabbi Jim Morgan at
We hold Saturday morning Shabbat services at Harvard Hillel and on Zoom every week starting at 9:30 a.m. After services (around 11:45), those of us who are in person share a light kiddush snack and lively conversation.
Zoom Services
Link to Services:
If you have the Zoom app, you can simply click “Join” and type in “rabbijim”
Call: 267 831 0333 or 301 715 8592. If you need a toll-free number, please let me know.
From the Rabbi
- Pop-Up Fundraiser for Wildfire Relief in Southern California
- Read Professor Ben Friedman’s Yom Kippur talk – click here.
- Poetry Reading on 9/7: Richard Fein – See Recording Here