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The Worship & Study Minyan
at Harvard Hillel

A gateway to Judaism

We are Jews who study Torah and present it creatively and vibrantly and in ways that speak across generations. Some of our members are Jewish educators and scholars; some do not yet know the alef-bet. We are a place where many people come to learn and some stay to teach.

Our members include students and faculty, staff and community, newborns and elders. Together we make a beautiful noise: singing, praying, discussing. Special events — bar/bat mitzvahs, ufrufs before weddings, baby-namings, daylong study-retreats, etc. —  enhance our sense of community.

We are participatory, egalitarian, intergenerational, self-governing, and rabbi-guided. Our services are led by congregation members and are basically Conservative, but abridged to make room for a half-hour of lively discussion in English of  each week’s Torah portion.  Discussion often continues after services over a delicious kiddush to which all are invited.