Programs and Events
Programs and Events
The Minyan’s Learning and Tzedakah Programming
Tzedakah Programming
On the fourth Thursday of every month, minyan members gather at First Church Cambridge (our home for the High Holidays) to make soup for the Church’s Friday Café. Please contact for more information.
We are currently holding a tzedakah campaign to support those affected by the recent fires in Los Angeles. To support this emergent cause, please read more here.
Learning Opportunities
Most months, we have a special learning program, either a potluck Lunch and Learn gathering, following Shabbat services or a Schmooze and Learn on another day. Check our blog for more information. Recent topics have included a conversation with the organizers of Standing Together and “Cosmic Paradox” with Evgenya Shkolnik.
One Minyan One Book Club
The minyan’s book club meets every four to six weeks on a Sunday evening on Zoom. Frequently, authors join us to discuss the book. Recent books: Abraham Joshua Heschel: A Life of Radical Amazement by Julian Zelizer and The Oppermanns by Lion Feuchtwanger.
Additional Learning Opportunities
Periodically, we have evening programs on Zoom. Recent events: Human Rights Shabbat commemoration: Life in a Firestorm: Hellishness and Help for Jews in Ukraine with Rabbi Alisa Zilbershtein and a follow-up event with Debbie Cardon, Director of Action for Post-Soviet Jewry.