Who We Are
Who We Are
A gateway to Judaism

The Worship and Study Minyan is a welcoming, participatory congregation with a deep commitment to Jewish pluralism, egalitarianism, and freedom of inquiry. Our members come to their Jewish practice from a wide variety of backgrounds—many are returning to Jewish identities they had left behind or never had the chance to engage with; others explored many aspects of Jewish life before joining us; still others began their journeys in another faith tradition and have found a congenial spiritual home in Judaism and with us. Some of us come with partners or families; others are single or have struck out on a Jewish path with the support of a partner who otherwise remains disengaged.
Shabbat services include spirited, musical davening (prayer) based on traditional liturgy; a lively, wide-ranging Torah discussion; and a convivial Kiddush. We rely on our members to lead us in prayer and to teach us Torah, and we are always seeking new voices to uncover new facets of our tradition.
In addition to our weekly Shabbat services, we come together for holidays and for social occasions at members’ homes. Likewise, we celebrate together at life-cycle events and comfort one another in times of sickness and mourning. Finally, we make soup every month for the Friday Café at First Church Cambridge.
Membership at Worship and Study is open to all, whether or not you have a Harvard affiliation. We hope you will come to learn and stay to teach!
The minyan offers tutoring in Hebrew, davening, and chanting from the Torah. Contact Rabbi Jim Morgan for more information.